【トラブルシューティング】一部の macOS ユーザーで Microsoft Teams から会議通話に参加している際に断続的に通話が切断されるアドバイザリが発生中【TM424840】【復旧済み】

  • 2022/09/03
  • Masahiro

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM424840)にて、macOS ユーザーが、Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントから会議に通話に参加しているときに、断続的に通話が切断されるアドバイザリが発生しています。

“TM424840” のサマリー

影響を受けていたすべての Windows ユーザーへの修正プログラムの展開が完了し、事象が改善していることを確認
最近の Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントのレンダリングと遠隔測定の処理を改善するためのアップデートによって、[参加] ボタンからの会議のコードとコマンドとの間で競合が発生し、最終的にユーザーが会議から切断される問題
Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントから会議通話に参加する macOS と Windows の一部ユーザー


Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client – TM424840

サービス:Microsoft Teams

状態:Service restored

ユーザーへの影響:Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.

Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM424840)にて、macOS ユーザーが、Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントから会議に通話に参加しているときに、断続的に通話が切断されるアドバイザリが発生しています。

この問題は、主に macOS ユーザーにて発生していますが、ごく一部の Windows ユーザーでも発生している可能性があります。

なお、Microsoft Teams ブラウザー版または、Microsoft Teams モバイル アプリから会議への参加を行うことで、影響を回避することができます。

現在は、影響を受けていたすべての Windws ユーザーへの修正プログラムの展開が完了し、本事象が改善したことを確認しています。

この問題は、最近の Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントのレンダリングと遠隔測定の処理を改善するためのアップデートによって、[参加] ボタンからの会議のコードの問題とコマンドとの間で競合が発生し、最終的にユーザーが会議から切断される事象になります。

今後は、同様の事象が発生しないように会議への参加機能に関連する Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントのアップデート手順を見直すとのことです。

この問題は、macOS と Windows の一部ユーザーが、Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントから会議通話に参加している際に通話が断続的に切断される問題になります。

October 1, 2022 7:47 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users were intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue primarily affected MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also have seen this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps could do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Final status : Our fix to address the affected Windows users is complete, and we’ve tested to confirm that the issue is no longer occurring and impact is remediated.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users were intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・End time : Saturday, October 1, 2022, 4:49 AM (10/30/2022, 7:49 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next steps : We’re reviewing our Microsoft Teams desktop client update procedures pertaining to meeting join functionality to prevent similar impact in the future.
  • This is the final update for this event.

October 1, 2022 1:43 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status: Our fix to address the affected Windows users continues to progress and is now approximately 80 percent complete.
  • We’re continuing to monitor its progress as it finishes its deployment and expect that this will complete by our next scheduled update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, October 1, 2022, 9:00 AM (12:00 AM UTC)

September 29, 2022 12:55 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : The deployment of our fix to address affected Windows users is taking a bit longer than originally estimated and has completed approximately 70 percent of the required deployment.
  • We’re further reviewing the fix deployment to ensure that it completes as expected, and to determine in any options are available to expedite its completion.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, October 1, 2022, 2:00 AM (10/30/2022, 5:00 PM UTC)

September 27, 2022 2:04 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve confirmed that the deployment of the fix for the affected Windows users has begun and currently stands at 20 percent saturation.
  • We also anticipate its completion by the next scheduled update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・Estimated time to resolve : We estimate the remaining impact to Windows users should be resolved by our next update.
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Thursday, September 29, 2022, 2:00 AM (9/28/2022, 5:00 PM UTC)

September 17, 2022 10:40 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve confirmed that deployment has completed to resolve the issue for all affected MacOS users.
  • As a secondary remediation action, we’re continuing to validate a fix for affected Windows users which is expected to deploy on Monday, September 26, 2022.
  • We’ll provide an estimated time for the completion of this secondary deployment should it become available prior to the next scheduled update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by: Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 2:00 AM (9/26/2022, 5:00 PM UTC)

September 14, 2022 4:35 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve confirmed that deployment for the vast majority of users has completed, though users that are hosted in US Government Microsoft Teams cloud environments remain affected.
  • We’re continuing to monitor its deployment for complete resolution for all affected Mac OS users while also internally validating our secondary fix that will remediate impact for affected Windows users, which remains on track to begin deployment by Monday, September 26, 2022.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 19, 2022, 6:44 PM (9:44 AM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, September 17, 2022, 10:00 AM (1:00 AM UTC)

September 13, 2022 3:45 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve completed our rollout of the fix for the majority of Mac OS users in affected environments, although less than one percent may continue to see impact where the fix has not reached yet.
  • In parallel, we’re continuing development on our fix for affected Windows users, which we currently anticipate will be ready for deployment by Monday, September 26, 2022.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 5:00 AM (9/13/2022, 8:00 PM UTC)

September 10, 2022 8:34 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : Our fix has completed rollout to 50 percent of affected MacOS users.
  • We’re monitoring the reduction of errors to confirm downward trends; however we’re pausing the rollout of the fix as we want to ensure a significant improvement is seen in the volume data flow through Monday, September 12, 2022.
  • Pending our review of the data, we’ll determine whether we’ll begin rollout of the fix to 75 percent of affected users based on our assessment.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 5:00 AM (9/12/2022, 8:00 PM UTC)

September 9, 2022 2:01 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve successfully validated the fix’s efficacy, initiated the deployment process, and anticipate that the majority of users should be remediated by our next scheduled update.
  • We’ll provide more information regarding the estimated time to resolution via the next update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, September 10, 2022, 10:30 AM (1:30 AM UTC)

September 8, 2022 11:23 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve identified that additional validation is required to ensure the fix successfully resolves the underlying issue.
  • We anticipate the validation process will complete and the fix will be ready for deployment during our next communications update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Friday, September 9, 2022, 2:00 AM (9/8/2022, 5:00 PM UTC)

September 8, 2022 7:29 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : Our process to validate the fix for efficacy is complete, and we’re now packaging the fix for deployment to the affected service environment.
  • We anticipate that deployment will begin by our next scheduled update, at which time we’ll provide a timeline for full deployment and remediation.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Thursday, September 8, 2022, 1:00 PM (4:00 AM UTC)

September 8, 2022 2:35 AM

  • ・Title : Some users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client
  • ・User Impact : Users are intermittently dropped from meetings when using the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
  • ・More info : This issue is primarily affecting MacOS users; however, a small percentage of Windows users may also see this problem.
  • Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’ve developed and are in the process of validating a fix to resolve this problem.
  • We expect that we’ll have a more accurate estimation for the timeline of the fix deployment by our next update.
  • ・Scope of impact : A subset of MacOS users and potentially some Windows users are intermittently dropped from Microsoft Teams meetings when using the desktop client.
  • ・Start time : Friday, August 12, 2022, 12:11 AM (8/11/2022, 3:11 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update to improve client rendering and telemetry handling introduced a Join button meeting code issue, resulting in conflicting commands and ultimately dropping users from meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Thursday, September 8, 2022, 9:00 AM (12:00 AM UTC)

September 3, 2022 5:28 AM

  • ・Title : Some MacOS users drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings intermittently
  • ・User Impact : MacOS users will experience intermittent call drops while attending Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.
  • ・More info : Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web or mobile apps can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’re continuing to review available diagnostic data, such as client logs, to isolate the source of impact and identify troubleshooting actions.
  • ・Scope of impact : This event affects a subset of MacOS users who intermittently drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 6:00 AM (9/6/2022, 9:00 PM UTC)

September 3, 2022 4:31 AM

  • ・Title : Some MacOS users drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings intermittently
  • ・User Impact : Users will experience intermittent call drops while attending Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.
  • ・More info : Users who can join the meetings through the Microsoft Teams web app can do so to avoid impact.
  • ・Current status : We’re reviewing available diagnostic data, such as client logs, to isolate the source of impact and identify troubleshooting actions.
  • ・Scope of impact : Your organization is impacted by this event, and a subset of MacOS users intermittently drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, September 3, 2022, 5:30 AM (9/2/2022, 8:30 PM UTC)

September 3, 2022 4:02 AM

  • ・Title : Some MacOS users drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings intermittently
  • ・User Impact : Users will experience intermittent call drops while attending Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.
  • ・Current status : We’re investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We’ll provide an update within 30 minutes.
  • ・Scope of impact : Your organization is impacted by this event, and a subset of MacOS users intermittently drop from Microsoft Teams desktop meetings.

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Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、Microsoft の提供するコラボレーション ツールになります。

Microsoft Teams 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams 関連の How To 記事一覧
Microsoft Teams 関連トラブルシューティング一覧
Microsoft Teams 管理関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧



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