【トラブルシューティング】Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)中にプロデューサーに真っ黒な画面が断続的に表示されることがある問題が発生【TM294923】【復旧済み】

  • 2021/10/30
  • Masahiro

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM294923)にて、Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)中のプレゼンテーション中に一部のプロデューサーに黒い画面が断続的に表示されることがある問題が発生していることを発表しています。


Microsoft 側では、上記事象の回避のためにライブ イベント(Live Event)開催時には専任のプロデューサーを割り当て、該当プロデューサーを発表者として兼任させず開催することを勧めています。

上記回避策を取ることで、プロデューサーに問題が発生した場合にも、一旦ライブ イベント(Live Event)を中断してから再び参加することが可能となるため、参加者側への影響を与えずに開催が行えるとのことです。

現在は、修正プログラムの展開が完了し、Microsoft 側でのテストを行った結果、影響の緩和を確認しているとのことです。

なお、影響を受けた該当ユーザーが修正プログラムの適用を行い、影響を緩和するためには、Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントを最新バージョンにアップデートする必要があります。


この問題は、Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)機能の一部のパフォーマンス向上を目的とした最近のアップデート

※ この問題は Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)を開催しているすべてのプロデューサーにて影響を受ける可能性があります。

Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、Microsoft の提供するコラボレーション ツールになります。

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Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Some users intermittently see only profile pictures or avatars instead of video during Microsoft Teams meetings – TM294923

サービス:Microsoft Teams

状態:Service degradation

ユーザーへの影響:Users are intermittently seeing only profile pictures or avatars instead of video during Microsoft Teams meetings.

Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM294923)にて、Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)中のプレゼンテーション中に一部のプロデューサーに黒い画面が断続的に表示されることがある問題が発生していることを発表しています。


Microsoft 側では、上記事象の回避のためにライブ イベント(Live Event)開催時には専任のプロデューサーを割り当て、該当プロデューサーを発表者として兼任させず開催することを勧めています。

上記回避策を取ることで、プロデューサーに問題が発生した場合にも、一旦ライブ イベント(Live Event)を中断してから再び参加することが可能となるため、参加者側への影響を与えずに開催が行えるとのことです。

現在は、修正プログラムの展開が完了し、Microsoft 側でのテストを行った結果、影響の緩和を確認しているとのことです。

なお、影響を受けた該当ユーザーが修正プログラムの適用を行い、影響を緩和するためには、Microsoft Teams デスクトップ クライアントを最新バージョンにアップデートする必要があります。


この問題は、Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)機能の一部のパフォーマンス向上を目的とした最近のアップデート

※ この問題は Microsoft Teams のライブ イベント(Live Event)を開催しているすべてのプロデューサーにて影響を受ける可能性があります。

November 5, 2021 9:01 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers were intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Impact was limited to the producers of the live event.
  • The impact was to the producer’s client and didn’t impact the live stream viewed by the attendees.
  • ・Final status : We’ve completed deployment of the fix and internally tested to confirm it mitigates impact.
  • Affected producers should upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Teams in order to receive this fix and experience mitigation.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could have been affected.
  • ・Start time : Friday, October 8, 2021, 1:57 AM (10/7/2021, 4:57 PM UTC)
  • ・End time : Friday, November 5, 2021, 5:33 AM (11/4/2021, 8:33 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update intended to improve performance for some Microsoft Teams live event features introduced a code issue, resulting in impact.
  • ・Next steps : – We’re continuing our investigation into the offending change to help us better understand why it resulted in impact, and we’re reviewing our deployment and provisioning procedures to help prevent similar problems in the future.
  • This is the final update for the event.

November 2, 2021 9:44 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Impact is limited to the producers of the live event.
  • The impact is to the producer’s client and does not impact the live stream viewed by the attendees.
  • To avoid user impact, we recommend that you assign dedicated producers for the event and avoid having the producer also be a presenter.
  • This way if a producer does experience the issue they can leave the meeting and rejoin, which will allow the producer to get back into a healthy state with no disruption to the attendee experience.
  • ・Current status : We’ve started deploying the fix for this issue which disables status labeling that shows which sources are live.
  • We anticipate it may take up to two weeks for the deployment to fully complete.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Start time : Friday, October 8, 2021, 1:57 AM (10/7/2021, 4:57 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update intended to improve performance for some Microsoft Teams live event features introduced a code issue, resulting in impact.
  • ・Next update by : Friday, November 5, 2021, 10:30 AM (1:30 AM UTC)

October 31, 2021 7:19 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Impact is limited to the producers of the live event.
  • The impact is to the producer’s client and does not impact the live stream viewed by the attendees.
  • As we continue our investigation into the cause of this issue, we recommend that you assign dedicated producers for the event and avoid having the producer also be a presenter.
  • This way if a producer does experience the issue they can leave the meeting and rejoin, which will allow the producer to get back into a healthy state with no disruption to the attendee experience.
  • ・Current status : We’ve identified that a recent update intended to improve performance for some Microsoft Teams live event features introduced a code issue, resulting in impact.
  • We’ve validated a fix for this issue and suspect it will be ready for deployment by Monday, November 1, 2021. Additionally, we suspect to have a timeline for the fix by our next scheduled update.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Start time : Friday, October 8, 2021, 1:57 AM (10/7/2021, 4:57 PM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent update intended to improve performance for some Microsoft Teams live event features introduced a code issue, resulting in impact.
  • ・Next update by : Monday, November 2, 2021, 10:30 AM (1:30 AM UTC)

October 30, 2021 9:43 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Impact is limited to the producers of the live event.
  • The impact is to the producer’s client and does not impact the live stream viewed by the attendees.
  • As we continue our investigation into the cause of this issue, we recommend that you assign dedicated producers for the event and avoid having the producer also be a presenter.
  • This way if a producer does experience the issue they can leave the meeting and rejoin, which will allow the producer to get back into a healthy state with no disruption to the attendee experience.
  • ・Current status : Our investigation into the issue is ongoing and we’re continuing to gather data from reproductions in our internal environment so that we can better determine our next steps.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Start time : Friday, October 8, 2021, 1:57 AM (10/7/2021, 4:57 PM UTC)
  • ・Next update by : Sunday, October 31, 2021, 9:00 AM (12:00 AM UTC)

October 30, 2021 7:28 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Impact is limited to the producers or presenters presenting within the live event.
  • Attendees viewing content produced by affected presenters or producers will not experience impact.
  • ・・Current status : Our review of changes made within the service continues to suggest that a recent optimization may be contributing to the issue.
  • To verify this however, we’re continuing to analyze details from this specific change to pinpoint the precise cause of impact.
  • Additionally, we’ve collected diagnostic data from the aforementioned reproduction of the issue we collaboratively performed with some affected users.
  • We’re analyzing this information, in tandem with data gathered from reproductions produced in our internal testing environment, so we can better verify the cause of impact and expedite alleviation.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Next update by : Saturday, October 30, 2021, 9:30 AM (12:30 AM UTC)

October 30, 2021 5:30 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : This impacts the presenter, organizer, and attendees.
  • ・Current status : Our investigation so far has been unable to isolate the source of the issue; however, we’re reviewing recent changes made to the service to determine if any newly implemented optimizations or updates correlate with the origin of impact.
  • Additionally, we’re simultaneously engaging with some affected users to collaborate in reproducing the issue so we can utilize the resulting diagnostic data to further assist in our assessment of the issue and development of a mitigation plan.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Next update by: Saturday, October 30, 2021, 7:30 AM (10/29/2021, 10:30 PM UTC)

October 30, 2021 4:20 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : This impacts the presenter, organizer, and attendees.
  • ・Current status : We’re analyzing support case details in parallel with service logs so we can better understand the underlying cause of the issue and determine our next troubleshooting steps.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.
  • ・Next update by: Saturday, October 30, 2021, 5:30 AM (10/29/2021, 8:30 PM UTC)

October 30, 2021 3:40 AM

  • ・Title : Some producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations
  • ・User Impact : Producers are intermittently seeing a black, blank screen during Microsoft Teams live event presentations.
  • ・More info : Additionally, the event organizer’s screen is also affected.
  • ・Current status : We’re investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization.
  • We’ll provide an update within 30 minutes.
  • ・Scope of impact : Any producer presenting during a Microsoft Teams live event could be affected.

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)



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