【トラブルシューティング】Microsoft Teams の会議にて [参加者のレポート] が DL(ダウンロード)が行えない問題が発生【TM290928】【復旧済み】

  • 2021/10/12
  • Masahiro

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM290928)にて、ユーザーが Microsoft Teams の [参加者のレポート] が DL(ダウンロード)が行えない事象が発生していることを発表しています。

この問題は、Microsoft Teams の会議にて [参加者のレポート] を DL(ダウンロード)しようとするすべてのユーザーに影響を与えていた可能性があったとのことです。

現在は過去に開催された Microsoft Teams の会議のデータの再生を終え、この問題が改善したことを確認しています。

※ なお、本事象は、ユーザーからサービス正常性(TM289833)に関連する影響が続いているとの報告を受け、調査を再開したことがきっかけとのことですが、最近のアップデートによる予期せず発生していた事象とのことです。


Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、 Microsoft 365 だけでなく、Microsoft WordMicrosoft Excel などでお馴染みの
家庭向け Microsoft 365 Personal に含まれる Microsoft の提供するコラボレーションツールになります。

Microsoft Teams 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連情報一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連記事一覧

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams – TM290928

サービス:Microsoft Teams

状態:Service restored

ユーザーへの影響:Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM290928)にて、ユーザーが Microsoft Teams の [参加者のレポート] が DL(ダウンロード)が行えない事象が発生していることを発表しています。

この問題は、Microsoft Teams の会議にて [参加者のレポート] を DL(ダウンロード)しようとするすべてのユーザーに影響を与えていた可能性があったとのことです。

現在は過去に開催された Microsoft Teams の会議のデータの再生を終え、この問題が改善したことを確認しています。

※ なお、本事象は、ユーザーからサービス正常性(TM289833)に関連する影響が続いているとの報告を受け、調査を再開したことがきっかけとのことですが、最近のアップデートによる予期せず発生していた事象とのことです。


October 18, 2021 6:43 PM – Service restored

  • ・Title : Users were unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Team
  • ・User Impact : Users were unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・More info : As a workaround, affected user could go to the same thread with the missing report, start a new meeting and leave after 10 seconds.
  • Then refresh the channel (go to another tab and back) to see the new just-created-report and the reports that were missing before that.
  • ・Final status : We’ve finished replaying the data from previous Microsoft Teams meetings and confirmed that impact associated with this event has been fully mitigated
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may have impacted any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Start time : Monday, October 4, 2021, 5:00 PM (8:00 AM UTC)
  • ・End time : Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 2:00 PM (5:00 AM UTC)
  • ・Root cause : A recent service update was unexpectedly interfering with the ability to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Next steps : – We’re reviewing our standard service update procedures to avoid similar impact in the future.
  • This is the final update for the event.

October 13, 2021 6:19 PM

  • ・Title : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・More info : As a workaround, users affected should go to the same thread with the missing report, start a new meeting and leave after 10 seconds.
  • Then refresh the channel (go to another tab and back) and you will see the new just-created-report and the reports that were missing before that.
  • ・Current status : We’re continuing to replay the data from any previous Microsoft Teams meetings, so that users are able to download the meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potential impact any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Root cause : A recent service update is unexpectedly interfering with the ability to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Next update by : Monday, October 18, 2021, 7:00 PM (10:00 AM UTC)

October 12, 2021 2:56 PM

  • ・Title : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Current status : We reverted the recent service update and can see that the ability to download meeting attendance reports is working correctly.
  • We’re now working to replay the data from any previous Microsoft Teams meetings to ensure that users are able to download those meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potential impact any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Root cause : A recent service update is unexpectedly interfering with the ability to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Next update by : Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 7:00 PM (10:00 AM UTC)

October 12, 2021 12:26 PM

  • ・Title : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Current status : After further review, we identified that a recent service update is responsible for the issues with downloading meeting attendance reports.
  • We’re working to revert the change to remediate the impact.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potential impact any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Root cause : A recent service update is unexpectedly interfering with the ability to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Next update by : Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 4:30 PM (7:30 AM UTC)

October 12, 2021 11:47 AM

  • ・Title : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Current status : We’re reviewing recent changes to Microsoft Teams to help identify the source of the issue.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potential impact any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Next update by : Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 2:00 PM (5:00 AM UTC)

October 12, 2021 10:41 AM

  • ・Title : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are unable to download meeting attendance reports in Microsoft Teams.
  • ・Current status : We’ve received a report from your organization that impact associated with TM289833 persists.
  • We’ve resumed our investigation of the issue and are currently analyzing the report data.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potential impact any user attempting to download Microsoft Teams meeting attendance reports.
  • ・Next update by : Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 12:00 PM (3:00 AM UTC)

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)


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