【トラブルシューティング】Microsoft Teams で PSTN 経由の通話時に問題が発生する可能性のある SI(サービス インシデント)が発生【TM289868】【復旧済み】

  • 2021/10/07
  • Masahiro

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM289868)にて、ユーザーが Microsoft Teams で PSTN を経由した通話時に問題が発生する可能性のある SI(サービス インシデント)が発生していることを発表してます。

なお、Direct Routing を利用している組織では、SBC(Session Border Controller)の設定によって復旧が遅れており、Microsoft のサービスへの接続がダウンしている可能性があります。

上記の場合は、SBC(Session Border Controller)の再起動を行いキャッシュの削除を行うか、自然にキャッシュが削除されるのを待つ必要があります。

※ Direct Routing は、Microsoft Teams のユーザーに PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network)接続を提供して、Microsoft Teams を利用するあらゆるデバイスで外部からの電話をかけたり、受けたりすることを可能にする方法になります。


Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、 Microsoft 365 だけでなく、Microsoft WordMicrosoft Excel などでお馴染みの
家庭向け Microsoft 365 Personal に含まれる Microsoft の提供するコラボレーションツールになります。

Microsoft Teams 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連情報一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連記事一覧

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)

Microsoft Teams サービス正常性 関連記事一覧

Unable to make or receive PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams – TM289868

サービス:Microsoft Teams

状態:Service restored

ユーザーへの影響:Users may have experienced issues making or receiving PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM289868)にて、ユーザーが Microsoft Teams で PSTN を経由した通話時に問題が発生する可能性のある SI(サービス インシデント)が発生していることを発表してます。

なお、Direct Routing を利用している組織では、SBC(Session Border Controller)の設定によって復旧が遅れており、Microsoft のサービスへの接続がダウンしている可能性があります。

上記の場合は、SBC(Session Border Controller)の再起動を行いキャッシュの削除を行うか、自然にキャッシュが削除されるのを待つ必要があります。

※ Direct Routing は、Microsoft Teams のユーザーに PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network)接続を提供して、Microsoft Teams を利用するあらゆるデバイスで外部からの電話をかけたり、受けたりすることを可能にする方法になります。



October 8, 2021 1:30 AM – Service restored

  • ・Title : Unable to make or receive PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users may have experienced issues making or receiving PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams.
  • ・More info : Users dialing into audio conference meetings were also affected.
  • Additionally, users attempting to call Auto Attendant and Call Queue features may have experienced disconnects.
  • Some organizations which leverage Direct Routing may see a delay in recovery due to SBC (Session Border Controller) configurations.
  • They may have marked connections to Microsoft services as down. These organizations will need to clear their cache by restarting the SBC or allow the cache to clear naturally.
  • Direct Routing is a way to provide a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connection to Microsoft Teams users, allowing them to place and receive external phone calls on any device using Teams.
  • ・Final status : After an extended period of monitoring, we’ve confirmed this issue is resolved
  • This reference was removed, and we’ve monitored the environment to confirm that service is restored.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may have potentially affected any user routed through the affected infrastructure.
  • ・Start time : Thursday, October 7, 2021, 9:06 PM (12:06 PM UTC)
  • ・End time : Friday, October 8, 2021, 12:00 AM (10/7/2021, 3:00 PM UTC)
  • ・Preliminary root cause : A recent update contained a routing misconfiguration for incoming and some outgoing PSTN requests, resulting in impact.
  • ・Next steps : – We’re reviewing our update procedures to better identify similar issues during our development and testing cycles.
  • We’ll publish a post-incident report within five business days.

October 8, 2021 12:58 AM – Service restored

  • ・Title : Unable to make or receive PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams.
  • ・User Impact : Users are experiencing issues making or receiving PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams.
  • ・More info : Users dialing into audio conference meetings are also affected.
  • Additionally, users attempting to call Auto Attendant and Call Queue features may experience disconnects.
  • Direct Routing is a way to provide a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connection to Microsoft Teams users so that they can make and receive external phone calls on any device using Teams.
  • ・Current status : We’ve reverted the update and we’ve received multiple reports that impact has been remediated.
  • We’re continuing to monitor the service to confirm recovery.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potentially affect any user routed through the affected infrastructure.
  • ・Start time : Thursday, October 7, 2021, 9:06 PM (12:06 PM UTC)
  • ・Preliminary root cause : A recent update contained a routing misconfiguration for incoming and some outgoing PSTN requests, resulting in impact.
  • ・Next update by : Friday, October 8, 2021, 3:00 AM (10/7/2021, 6:00 PM UTC)

October 7, 2021 11:53 PM – Service restored

  • ・Title : Unable to make or receive PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams using Direct Routing.
  • ・User Impact : Users are experiencing issues making or receiving PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams using Direct routing calls.
  • ・More info : Additionally, users attempting to call Auto Attendant and Call Queue features may experience disconnects.
  • Direct Routing is a way to provide a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connection to Microsoft Teams users so that they can make and receive external phone calls on any device using Teams.
  • ・Current status : We’ve determined that a recent update contained a network routing misconfiguration for incoming PSTN requests.
  • We’re reverting the update to remediate impact.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potentially affect any user routed through the affected infrastructure.
  • ・Next update by : Friday, October 8, 2021, 1:00 AM (10/7/2021, 4:00 PM UTC)

October 7, 2021 10:43 PM – Service restored

  • ・Title : Unable to make or receive PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams
  • ・User Impact : Users are experiencing issues making or receiving PSTN calls through Microsoft Teams using Direct Routing.
  • ・More info : Direct Routing is a way to provide a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connection to Microsoft Teams users so that they can make and receive external phone calls on any device using Teams.
  • ・Current status : We’re reviewing diagnostic data and error logs to isolate the source of the issue.
  • ・Scope of impact : This issue may potentially affect any user routed through the affected infrastructure.
  • ・Next update by : Friday, October 8, 2021, 12:00 AM (10/7/2021, 3:00 PM UTC)

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)




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