
【Microsoft Teams】チーム会議のレコーディング データのダウンロード アクセス許可をデフォルト設定でブロックへ変更可能に・・・【MC230505】

  • 2021/02/18
  • Masahiro

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のメッセージ センター(MC230505)にて、2021 年 2 月上旬から 2021 年 4 月までに OneDrive for Business と SharePoint Online 上に保存された新しい Microsoft Teams の会議のレコーディング データへ表示専用の権限を持つユーザーが DL(ダウンロード)できないようにもしくはこれらの権限がデフォルトで設定できるようになります。


Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、 Microsoft 365 だけでなく、Microsoft WordMicrosoft Excel などでお馴染みの
家庭向け Microsoft 365 Personal に含まれる Microsoft の提供するコラボレーションツールになります。

Microsoft Teams 関連記事一覧

Microsoft Teams のメッセージ センター関連情報一覧

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)

(Updated) Block Download Permissions for Teams Meeting Recordings on OneDrive:MC230505

Updated February 18, 2021: We have the post with additional details. Thank you for your patience.

As part of the New Stream experience, new Teams meeting recordings will be stored in your OneDrive for Business and SharePoint. Based on customer feedback we are enhancing the feature so that these recordings are not downloadable by those with view-only permissions, and that those permissions be set by default.

The New Stream experience was originally communicated in MC222640 (Standard) and MC229363 (GCC) also see this documentation for more details on the timing and experience.

Key Points:

  • ・Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 70543
  • ・Timing: The rollout of this change will begin in early February and it expect to complete by the end April.
  • ・Action: Review and assess impact on your organization.

How this will affect your organization

When this change is implemented:

  • 1. All new Teams meeting recordings uploaded to OneDrive and SharePoint will get the same permissions as outlined here, except that everyone who would normally receive view-only permissions will now also be blocked from being able to download the recording by default for non-channel meetings (i.e. the ones going to the recorder’s OneDrive). We will update that documentation to reflect the added block download restrictions once the feature is deployed. This change that will block downloadability of Teams meeting recordings will apply only to non-Channel meetings (aka “adhoc” meetings). Meeting recordings from meetings hosted in a Teams channel are uploaded to the doclib on the SharePoint team site backing that Teams channel. As such, it inherits the permissions from that team site to maintain its collaborative nature. It is recommended that you do not use Channel meetings for sensitive topics where you do not want members to have full access. A separate post and roadmap item will be created for the channel meeting recording solution in the future.
  • 2. Any time the recording is shared with someone else, block download permissions will continue to be set by default. Only the recording edit owners will have the ability to explicitly override that setting and re-share with download permissions if they choose to do so. That will be an explicit action, so the owners will not be at risk of accidentally oversharing.

The enhanced security and privacy permissions setting will happen by default and cannot be overridden.

Note: This only applies new recordings created after you are enrolled in the new OneDrive and SharePoint experience.

What you need to do to prepare

You may consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.

If you prefer to make the transition to Teams meeting recording on OneDrive and SharePoint after these enhanced download permissions are implemented, we recommend that you opt out of that experience as described here.

Microsoft Teams: Block Downloads for Teams meeting recordings on OneDrive and SharePoint


All users with view-only permissions of a Teams meeting recording uploaded to OneDrive & SharePoint will now be blocked from downloading the recording by default.

  • Feature ID: 70543
  • Added to Roadmap: 12/18/2020
  • Last Modified: 2/19/2021
  • Tags: SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Stream, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), General Availability, OneDrive, Web

Rolling out

  • SharePoint
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Stream
  • Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
  • General Availability
  • OneDrive
  • Web
February CY2021

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)




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