【トラブルシューティング】SharePoint Online/Microsoft 365 で正常に検索が行えないアドバイザリが発生中【SP496830】【復旧済み】
- 2023/01/13
![SharePoint Online](https://pine-app1e.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/microsoft_sharepoint.png)
Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(SP496830)にて、SharePoint Online のモダン UI 時の検索ボックスが利用できないことがあるアドバイザリを発表しています。
“SP496830” のサマリー
- ・SharePoint Online の検索で、[Enter] キーを押すなどしても検索クエリを入力できない
- ・Microsoft 365 のホームページの検索ボックが表示されない
Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience – SP496830
サービス:SharePoint Online
状態:Service restored
ユーザーへの影響:Admins’ migration scan logs downloaded from SharePoint Migration Manager may show incomplete results.
Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(SP496830)にて、SharePoint Online のモダン UI 時の検索ボックスが利用できないことがあるアドバイザリを発表しています。
本事象の影響を受けている場合、SharePoint Online の検索で、[Enter] キーを押すなどしても検索クエリを入力できない、Microsoft 365 のホームページの検索ボックが表示されないといった問題が発生する可能性があります。
本事象が、最近のアップデートに伴うコード変更により、競合が発生しており、CDN コンポーネントのパフォーマンスが許容範囲を下回った結果、発生していたことが判明しました。
この問題は、SharePoint Online および Microsoft 365 のホームページから検索を行おうとしようとするすべてのユーザーに影響する可能性があります。
January 13, 2023 8:13 AM – Service restored
- ・Title: Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User impact: Users may have been unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info: Users may have been unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not have seen the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Final status: Our investigation determined that a recent change to the service contained a code conflict that led to the CDN component performing below acceptable thresholds, resulting in impact.
- We’ve reverted the impacting change and confirmed through service telemetry and with affected users that impact is remediated.
- ・Scope of impact : This issue may have affected any user attempting to search SharePoint Online sites and from the Microsoft 365 home page.
- ・Start time : Monday, January 2, 2023, 8:25 PM (11:25 AM UTC)
- ・End time : Friday, January 13, 2023, 7:23 AM (1/12/2023, 10:23 PM UTC)
- ・・Root cause : A recent change to the service contained a code conflict that led to the CDN component performing below acceptable thresholds, resulting in impact.
- ・Next steps : – We’re reviewing our update procedures to identify how the code conflict wasn’t caught during testing and validation, which will help us prevent similar impact in the future.
- This is the final update for the event.
January 13, 2023 5:07 AM – Service restored
- ・Title : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User Impact : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info : Users may be unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not see the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Current status : We’re analyzing the health of a CDN component that may be contributing to the impact while also continuing our investigation into other potential CDN related problems.
- In parallel, we’re evaluating actions to remediate the potential CDN component problem as a step toward remediation.
- ・Scope of impact : This issue may affect any user attempting to search SharePoint Online sites and from the Microsoft 365 home page.
- ・Next update by : Friday, January 13, 2023, 8:30 AM (1/12/2023, 11:30 PM UTC)
January 13, 2023 4:21 AM – Service restored
- ・Title : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User Impact : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info : Users may be unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not see the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Current status : We’re investigating a potential Content Delivery Network (CDN) issue that may be contributing to impact.
- ・Scope of impact : This issue may affect any user attempting to search SharePoint Online sites and from the Microsoft 365 home page.
- ・Next update by : Friday, January 13, 2023, 6:30 AM (1/12/2023, 9:30 PM UTC
January 13, 2023 2:13 AM – Service restored
- ・Title : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User Impact : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info : Users may be unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not see the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Current status : We’re continuing to review data from some affected users alongside logs collected from an internal reproduction of impact to help determine our next troubleshooting steps.
- ・Scope of impact : This issue may affect any user attempting to search SharePoint Online sites and from the Microsoft 365 home page.
- ・Next update by : Friday, January 13, 2023, 4:30 AM (1/12/2023, 7:30 PM UTC)
January 13, 2023 1:24 AM – Service restored
- ・Title : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User impact : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info : Users may be unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not see the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Current status : We’re reviewing system data collected from some users affected by this issue to determine the source of this issue.
- ・Scope of impact : This issue may affect any user attempting to search SharePoint Online sites and from the Microsoft 365 home page.
- ・Next update by : Friday, January 13, 2023, 2:30 AM (1/12/2023, 5:30 PM UTC)
January 13, 2023 1:07 AM – Service restored
- ・Title : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience
- ・User impact : Users may be unable to use the SharePoint Online search box on the modern experience.
- ・More info : Users may be unable to press the enter key or otherwise enter search queries in SharePoint Online searches and may not see the Microsoft 365 home page search box.
- ・Current status : We’re investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization.
- We’ll provide an update within 30 minutes.
SharePoint Online 関連記事一覧
SharePoint Online のメッセージ センター関連情報一覧
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SharePoint Online の SI(サービス インシデント)関連情報一覧
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- ・Show the weather on your page – Microsoft Support:https://support.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/4a86540e-0846-4fc0-bad0-1a82fcd430fc
- ・Microsoft SharePoint|イントラネットとコラボレーション ソリューション:https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/microsoft-365/sharepoint/collaboration
- ・日本マイクロソフト – Official Home Page:https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp