【トラブルシューティング】Microsoft Teams が正常に利用できないインシデントが発生【TM239098】【復旧済み】

  • 2021/02/12
  • Masahiro

Microsoft が提供する Microsoft 365 のサービス正常性(TM239098)にて、一部ユーザーが Microsoft Teams へ正常に利用できないインシデントが発生していることを発表しています。

※ 日本時間 2021 年 2 月 12 日 13:20 時点で上記のインシデントが復旧したことを公式 Twitter アカウント(@MSFT365Status)が発表しています。

また、このインシデント後のレポートは 5 営業日以内に発表される予定です。

Microsoft Teams とは?

Microsoft Teams は、 Microsoft 365 だけでなく、Microsoft WordMicrosoft Excel などでお馴染みの
家庭向け Microsoft 365 Personal に含まれる Microsoft の提供するコラボレーションツールになります。

Microsoft Teams 関連記事一覧

なお、日本時間 2021 年 2 月 12 日 13:20 時点で上記の障害が復旧したことを公式 Twitter アカウント(@MSFT365Status)が発表しています。

Users may experience errors in Microsoft Teams when attempting to use any feature – TM239098

Users may have been unable to access or utilize various Microsoft Teams features

Users may have experienced one or more of the following scenarios:

  • ・Users launching Microsoft Teams for the first time on a browser may have seen an “oops” page
  • ・Users may have failed to load channels/chat
  • ・Users may have seen inaccurate pill counts on their iOS and Android devices
  • ・Users may have been unable to see their pinned channels
  • ・Users may have been unable to create @ mention tags
  • ・Users may have been unable to search for users
  • ・Users may have been unable to send/receive messages
  • ・Users may have been unable to join, schedule, or own meetings
  • ・Users may have seen calendaring issues
  • ・Users may have been unable to host live events
  • ・Voice applications, like call queues and auto attendants may have been affected

Final status: Our mitigation efforts have been successful and we’ve confirmed recovery has remained stable after extensive monitoring.

Scope of impact: Users attempting to access or utilize Microsoft Teams features may have been impacted if their tenant was hosted in the North American region or if their network traffic flowed through North America.

Start time: Friday, February 12, 2021, 9:20 AM (12:20 AM UTC)

End time: Friday, February 12, 2021, 1:20 PM (4:20 AM UTC)

Preliminary root cause: A portion of our networking infrastructure performed below expected thresholds and caused impact to various Teams features.

Next steps:

We’re analyzing what caused our networking infrastructure to degrade and prevent it from happening in the future.

We’ll publish a post-incident report within five business days.

Preliminary Post Incident Report For Microsoft 365
  • Report Date: February 15, 2021
  • Report By: ICC

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.


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Microsoft 365 Customer Ready Post Incident Report

For further information, the Azure status history Post Incident Report (PIR) can be found at https://status.azure.com/en-us/status/history/ with Tracking ID CVTV-R80.

This PIR is specific to the impact experienced to Microsoft 365 services.

Incident Information

Important Note
This is a preliminary Post Incident Report (PIR) that is being delivered prior to full incident resolution to provide early insight into details of the issue. The information in this PIR is preliminary and subject to change. A final PIR will be provided within five (5) business days from full event resolution and will supersede this document upon publication.
Incident ID
Incident Title
Users may experience errors in Microsoft Teams when attempting to use any feature
Service(s) Impacted
Microsoft Teams


Azure Cosmos Database (DB)

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database for modern app development and is used by Microsoft Teams features. Further information can be found at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/introduction.

User Impact

Users may have experienced one or more of the following scenarios:

  • ・Users launching Microsoft Teams for the first time on a browser may have seen an “Oops” page
  • ・Users may have been unable to send/receive messages
  • ・Users may have been unable to join, schedule, or own meetings
  • ・Users may have failed to load channels/chat
  • ・Users may have been unable to create @ mention tags
  • ・Users may have been unable to host live events
  • ・Users may have seen calendaring issues
  • ・Users may have been unable to see their pinned channels
  • ・Users may have been unable to search for users
  • ・Users may have seen inaccurate pill counts on their iOS and Android devices
  • ・Voice applications, like call queues and auto attendants may have been affected

Scope of Impact

Users attempting to access or utilize Microsoft Teams features may have been impacted if their tenant was hosted in the North American region or if their network traffic flowed through North America.

Incident Start Date and Time

Friday, February 12, 2021, at 12:20 AM UTC

Incident End Date and Time

Friday, February 12, 2021, at 4:20 AM UTC

Root Cause

Although the root cause of the issue had not fully been determined, we believe that a network and configuration issue within Azure Cosmos DB infrastructure resulted in impact. More information will be provided in the final PIR.

Actions Taken (All times UTC)

Friday, February 12

  • 12:20 AM – Our telemetry showed that this was when failures started to occur.
  • 12:45 AM – Our anomaly detection systems generated an alert indicating a potential issue with Microsoft Teams and we started a high-priority investigation.
  • 1:05 AM – We started to analyze diagnostic data and investigate 503 errors.
  • 1:23 AM – Our analysis of the service logs identified that multiple Teams features were impacted by this incident.
  • 2:07 AM – We identified some latency within the database infrastructure and began to analyze service logs to isolate the cause.
  • 2:23 AM – We routed traffic to alternate infrastructure whilst we determined the cause of the issue.
  • 2:31 AM – Service telemetry showed that the database infrastructure started to recover.
  • 2:49 AM – After a period of recovery, a section of database infrastructure started generating errors again.
  • 3:16 AM – Service telemetry showed that some sections of the database infrastructure had recovered.
  • 3:58 AM – We routed traffic away from the degraded database infrastructure to expedite recovery.
  • 4:59 AM – The majority of the service had recovered, we began an extended period of monitoring to ensure that there was no residual impact.
  • 6:00 AM – We monitored the service and confirmed that impact was remediated as of 4:20 AM UTC and declared the incident resolved.

Next Steps

Completion Date
Although the root cause of the issue had not fully been determined, we believe that a network and configuration issue within Azure Cosmos DB infrastructure resulted in impact. More information will be provided in the final PIR.
We’re analyzing what caused our database storage infrastructure to become degraded and prevent it from happening in the future.
March 2021

Microsoft Public Affiliate Program (JP)(マイクロソフトアフィリエイトプログラム)




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